Dot-Com Mom's
Internet Safety Rules for Parents:

* Be informed and educated about the Internet.
* "Surf" with your kids as much as possible.
* Keep all computers in the open.
* Teach kids to NEVER give out personal information online.
* Set appropriate limits for computer use.
* Establish a family policy for safe and acceptable Internet use.
* Consider software tools such as filters and monitors.
* Consider sharing an account with your kids.
* Help children choose screen names that don't reveal their age or gender.
* Know your children's online friends.
* Never arrange in-person meetings with people you only know online.
* Be wary of e-mail from people you don't know.
* Tell your kids -- always tell a parent or trusted grownup if something online or in an e-mail upsets them.

Warning Signs to Watch For:

* Your child shuts off the computer or changes the screen when you enter the room
* Your child acts angry or defensive when questioned about his online activities
* Your child gets irrationally upset when you limit her computer use
* Your child receives phone calls, mail or gifts from someone you do not know
* You find pornography on your child's computer
* Your child withdraws from family or friends

Remember, exhibiting one or more of these signs might not signify a problem, but it's better to be safe than sorry.


Luckily, parents aren't alone in the fight to keep kids safe online. Here are some great resources offered by law enforcement, youth programs, schools and cities across America: -- online safety for kids.
-- oldest and largest online safety organization.

-- Internet safety, emergency help, and education.

CyberTipline -- tip line for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

NetSmartz -- interactive games and activities teach Internet safety.

GetNetWise -- helps parents educate themselves and their children about Internet safety.

PedoWatch -- information about sex offenders for anyone responsible for protecting children (may contain offensive material).

Yahooligan's Parent's Guide -- directory of parental control software options.

Disney's Surf-Swell Island -- Mickey and the Gang tackle online issues such as privacy, nettiquete and avoiding viruses.

PBSKids Web License
-- a simple quiz tests your Web sense to earn a printable "license."

Safety tips printed from, provided by Dot-Com-Mom