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DS Business Spotlight on:
Parthenon Graphics Timelines
Your source for the largest collection of Laminated History Timeline posters in the world.

Parthenon Graphics Timelines
Tony Courtney, Owner
Contact Info: 682-560-5201

Describe your products or service: Over 40 titles of laminated history timeline posters, from Ancient Egypt to Classical Music, to U.S. History.

How much time is involved? Is this business kid and family friendly? How? Business is kid & family friendly. You can put in as much time as you like. There are no quotas or reporting.

What do you like best about your business? All of the positive feedback we receive. People tell us that we have exactly what they have been looking for, but never found.

What’s the hardest part about your business? Finding the time to make new timelines.

How much does it cost initially? What is the refund policy? Ongoing expenses? Hostess gifts? Initial order must be 10 posters (any combination of titles) at wholesale price ($6.99). Sell at retail $12.95. Orders after first one can be any number of posters. 10 or more will get free shipping. 100% refund if returned in good condition. No other ongoing expenses. Optional demo book available for a deposit.

How much commission or compensation do you receive? How do you advance to leadership? Associate keeps all profit between wholesale and retail price, plus commissions based on sales (minimum 20 posters per month).

What is a realistic show sales average or monthly sales average? It is very easy to sell 10 to 20 posters per month.

Do you keep your own inventory and make deliveries? We ship direct to the associate, and they deliver to the end user.

What’s the minimum requirement to stay active? No minimums to stay active.

What skills and experience is required? What kind of training do you receive when joining? No skills, you get out what you put in.

How are your products or services sold? Can you sell online? Can you advertise online? What are the restrictions for selling? No restrictions, you can sell online, in a craft mall, homeschool bookfair, door-to-door, etc.

What else would you like people to know about your business? In the homeschool comminity (our biggest customers), the posters sell themselves. They are unique and fill a need. The posters are also great for gift giving and for college students.


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